In the cement sector that is the flagship of the Turkish economy, growth is in full pace. According to the announcement of the Turkish Cement Manufacturers’ Association (TÇMB), within the first 10 months of 2017, an increase by 3.1 percent is experienced, compared to the same period of the previous year. Almost 10 percent of the cement manufactured within that period was exported.
According to the announcement of the Turkish Cement Manufacturers’ Association (TÇMB), within the first 10 months of 2017, an increase by 3.1 percent is experienced, compared to the same period of the previous year. Almost 10 percent of the cement manufactured within that period was exported. Likewise, within the first 10 months of 2017, an increase by 4.4 percent and by 2 percent observed in domestic sales and cement exports respectively.
In October, the most cement export was made to USA. MAde an evaluation on the issue, M. Şefik Tüzün, Board Chairman, TÇMB spoke as follows: “According to TUİK data, the country where increased our exports (cement+clinker) the most in January-October 2017 was Haiti. This country was followed by Ghana and Guinea. A rising success was achieved in our cement exports within the year. Sustained success of the cement sector directly made a positive contribution to our country’s economy.”
Tüzün stated that they expect the cement sector’s objective of 500 million-dollar exports is to be attained.
Turkish Cement will preserve its Leading Position in Europe in 2018
Stated that they expect 2018 to be a fruitful year for the cement sector, Tüzün added “In parallel with the economic growth of 5.5 percent announced by the government for 2018, with the contribution of the ongoing infrastructure and urban transformation projects, we anticipate our sector to grow by 5 percent approximately. Furthermore, our cement exports will realize in the same level as 2017 and we will preserve our position of the first largest manufacturer in Europe and the fourth in the world.”