Together with its members, IMDER (Construction Equipment Distributors and Manufacturers Association of Turkey) and ISDER (Forklifts Machine Distributors and Manufacturers Association) participated in the International Building, Construction, Machinery, Electricity and Energy Exhibition organized in Basra, Iraq. In addition to IMDER and ISDER, over 70 Turkish companies attended to the exhibition.
IMDER and ISDER attended to the Basra International Building, Construction, Machinery, Electricity and Energy Exhibition organized on 26th April- 1st May 2012 by Hedef Fuarcılık in Basra. Over 70 Turkish companies as well as IMDER and ISDER participated in the exhibition and the exhibition was opened by Basra executives and Republic of Turkey, Basra Consular Faruk Kaymakçı. Özismak, Çukurova Makina, ADV Kule vinç, Güralp Vinç, Kantarcı Raf companies, member of IMDER ISDER, attended to the exhibition. There was a great participation in the exhibition and exhibitors were cheered up with the interest of visitors to the companies The importance of the exhibition increased one-fold due to especially the high demand of the region in field of Infrastructure and Superstructure, Energy . On the 2nd day of exhibition, Basra Consular Faruk Kaymakçı and our Commercial Counselor Abdullah Dursun organized a briefing meeting for the exhibitors and visitors from Turkey. In the meeting, Kaymakçı made explanations related with the region and provided crucial information for the ones intending to make business or investment in Basra. Kaymakçı stated that currently 93 Turkish companies are located in Basra and added: “Basra is vital point of Iraq with the petroleum rate of 63 percent. The region is quite important in geopolitical respect. Basra and neighboring cities need infrastructure and superstructure projects after the war lasted for more than 30 years. This is a good opportunity for the one intending to make investment in the region”.
200 billion dollars is reserved for investment
Our Commercial Counselor Abdullah Dursun mentioned about investment opportunities in the region. Abdullah Dursun stated that especially the south Iraq needs over 3 million houses and said: “200 million dollar is reserved for infrastructure, building and repair of hospitals, schools and governmental buildings. There remain many businesses to do for Iraq, the 2nd country of export by Turkey after Germany. Therefore, we invite Turkish entrepreneurs to here to become alternative and prominent in this developing market.