Construction Materials Industry Combined Index ended 2017 with at 99.06, with an increase by 9.2 percent and 8.5 points compared to the data for the last year. According to the Construction Materials Industry Combined Index December results, the improvement in the reliability and expectations within the last year when the activities regressed with seasonality is stated to give hope for the new year.
Published regularly every month by the Turkish Construction Materials Industrialists’ Association (Turkish İMSAD), Construction Materials Industry Combined Index’s December 2017 results were announced. Combined Index that regressed to a limited extent in December realized as 99.06 points. In the Combined Index, in which it is stated that an increase is experienced in reliability and expectations, while activities regressed with seasonality, following information was provided:
Activities in the construction materials industry showed a limited regression in December, compared to the previous month. In December, when seasonality started to show its impact on construction activities, activity index dropped 1.7 points, compared to November. Despite that, activity level exceeded its level in December last year by 12.7 points. In December, when domestic sales also regressed to a limited extent, export fell behind its level in the previous month for the first time after a long time. While a decrease is observed in production due to seasonality, turnovers dropped in December due to the regression in the domestic and international sales. The regression in the collection speed carried to its seventh month. Activities moved with the effect of the market dynamics and seasonality in December and realized in parallel with the expectations.