The ‘Core Fund’ partnership, which was created for the joint research projects between Boğaziçi University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), will be financially supported by Limak Foundation for the next three years. The MISTI-Boğaziçi Core Fund was established in 2016 as part of MISTI, the flagship of MIT’s international academic cooperation programs. Through this program, it is aimed that joint research projects between MIT and Boğaziçi University faculty members and students will be carried out and the research infrastructure of Turkey will be strengthened.
Established by Limak Holding to transform the young and dynamic potential of the community into qualified human power, the Limak Foundation will provide 100,000 Dollars each year to the MISTI-Boğaziçi Program. While providing support to new researchers in Turkey through a total of 300 thousand Dollars funded for 3 years, it is aimed to bring out new researches that will resound in the academic world and serve humanity.
MIT and Boğaziçi faculty members who wish to apply for the program are submitting their joint project proposals for evaluation until September every year. The proposals are evaluated by a joint academic committee and the winning projects are announced annually in December. While the MIT and Boğaziçi teams complement each other’s research areas in a balanced way, the participation of students is encouraged and new project proposals are particularly encouraged.
First Project Is Related To Earthquake
During the call period of 2016, one of the applicants was the joint project of MIT Department of Civil Engineering. Prof.Dr. Oral Büyüköztürk and Boğaziçi University Department of Civil Engineering Assoc. Dr. Cem Yalçın. The project was titled “Energy-Based Structural Analysis of Shake Table Experiments and Single Degree-of-Freedom Systems”. This was the first project to be supported under the MISTIBogaziçi program. MIT and Boğaziçi University faculty members and graduate and doctoral students are also included in the project team. With this project, buildings can be designed more securely against earthquakes.
Boğaziçi University Rector Dr. Mehmed Özkan expressed his enthusiasm for the academic partnership established under the title of “Core Funds” between Boğaziçi University, which is one of the most distinguished academic institutions of Turkey and the world with its outstanding performance with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the world’s leading technical universities.
Professor Özkan emphasized that Boğaziçi University, which has a strong research infrastructure in Turkey, will spread its influence even further on the global level thanks to the achievements of this academic cooperation.
Ebru Özdemir, chairwoman of the executive board of the project supporter, Limak Foundation, expressed her happiness in supporting this valuable collaboration between Boğaziçi University and MIT.
Özdemir said: “Our goal is to support Turkey’s empowering of its research infrastructure. In addition, to increase the environments that turn knowledge into value by simply sharing it, also creating the environments in which people learn by this act of sharing and develop new ideas “. Özdemir also stated that as one of the leading companies in the business world, they will always support such valuable projects.