Turgay Özkun will take over the position of Sika Turkey General Manager from Bora Yıldırım, Sika Turkey’s General Manager since 2009, who has been appointed as Middle East Regional Manager and will begin his duty as of 1 March 2018, as of t he same date.
Working as Concrete Target Market Manager since 2012, Özkun took up a position as Product Engineer in Sika Turkey in 2004.
Turgay Özkun, who was then promoted to Marketing and Technical Service Management, took on important roles with regard to the increase of the share of Sika products in Turkish concrete market and expansion of customer network, and carried out successful works.
After the announcement of the appointment, Turgay Özkun, the holder of a Bachelor’s Degree from the Department of Civil Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Yıldız Technical University and a MBA Degree from Yeditepe University, said that he was proud to be appointed General Manager and continued his works with the aim of taking the achievements of Sika, the world leader in construction chemicals and industrial adhesives, in Turkey even further.