Şenay Hatipoğlu
Tuna System, Global Supply Chain Leader
How was the year 2019 for your company in consideration of your sector and Turkey in particular?
The year 2019 was a productive year when as Tuna Tartı ve Elektronik Sistemler, a Turkish electronic and engineering company, we focused on R&D works, and put new projects and production lines in use. By means of the events and meetings we organized, we came together with international giants of our sector for bringing very important issues into consideration, and reached agreements for new collaborations.
What are the developments of your company in this year, such as investments, new products, launchings, etc.?
As Tuna Tartı ve Elektronik Sistemler, we increased the capacity of production line for Load Cells and improved our load-cell product network in 2019. Load Cells are sensors converting load data they receive to voltage current or communication. Load Cells are utilized to certain extent in all sectors such as industrial weighing, automation, medical, and robotics. As result of our R&D works, we developed and put on the market our new products such as TWI Smart, TWI Indicator, P60 Indicator, and alike. We manufactured and installed various belt weighers for the leading companies of the sector, and provided support for increasing productivity of those companies. Tuna Electronic Belt Weighers weigh flow weight of materials carried on conveyor belts. Thank to its practical installation, it provided an important data source as well as ensuring savings of labor, time, and capital for enterprises.
Altogether, with our teammates, we left behind a productive year in terms of developing new products and projects in which we focused on innovations. In 2019, we opened up new offices in Thailand and South Africa for continuing growing internationally. Having participated to various domestic and foreign fairs and symposiums, we held fruitful meetings with sectoral giants, visitors, and customers in our stands. The main events we participated are as follows;
• 3rd Fair of Agro-Pack Erbil 2019, Iraq (20-23 November 2019)
• 25th International Fair of Packaging Industry, Istanbul (23-26 October 2019) • 10th International Fair of Addisbuild Building and Building Materials, Ethiopia (9-12 October 2019)
• Industrial Automation Show, Shanghai (19-23 September 2019)
• 75th International Technical Fair, Plovdiv (23-28 September 2019)
• Symposium 2019 on Future Factories Industry 4.0, Istanbul (25-26 September 2019)
• Process Safety Symposium and Exhibition (09-10 April 2019)
• HANNOVER MESSE 2019, Hannover (01- 05 April 2019)
• WIN EURASIA 2019, Istanbul (14-17 March 2019)
As Tuna Tartı ve Elektronik Sistemler, we contributed to social responsibility projects in 2019, as is the case every year. We donated 3,000 seedlings to the campaign of “Aiming to 1 Million Seedlings” launched for forestation of the regions damaged during the fire in Izmir. As Tuna Tartı, we sponsored for jerseys of Izmir Karabağlar Şehit Üsteğmen Sadullah Sever Primary School for supporting our youth and sports in general.
On November 15-16, 2019, we accomplished trainings provided by acknowledged expert trainers on Load Cell production technologies, Load Cell weighing systems, and Weight Control Indicators technologies for sale forces of Central Sales, Regional Directorates of Tuna Istanbul, Tuna Ankara, and Tuna Adana.
In general, what are your expectations in 2020? What are your targets and general strategies for this year?
The year 2020 is giving hope for Tuna Tartı ve Elektronik Sistemler; it will be a year that we will continue our R&D works in and out of the country without a pause for accomplishing new projects and investments. This year we plan to take an active role in the US market by opening a new office in USA, in a state we will decide in the scope of our international growth strategy, offering powerful service and technical support, and state-of-the-art technological systems. We will participate to fairs in 2020, as is the case every year. The exhibitions we will be participating to recently are as follows;
• AGROEXPO 2020 – 15th International Fair of Agriculture And Livestock, Izmir (06-09 February 2020)
• WIN EURASIA 2020 Exhibition – Istanbul (12-15 March 2020)
• HANNOVER MESSE 2019- Hannover Germany (20-24 April 2020)
• II. AGRO-PACK – Uzbekistan (11-13 June 2020)
• International Fair of Packing and Packaging – Mexico, Mexico (02-05 June 2020)
• 26th International Fair of Packaging Industry, Istanbul (October 2020)
• Turkchem International Fair of Chemical Industry, Istanbul (05-07 November 2020)
What sectoral developments do you expect this year?
While technological advancements affect all of the sectors to varying extents in the world, as Tuna Tartı ve Elektronik Sistemler, we will continue being the best supplier to our customers, by carrying on with our R&D works and quick response services with our professional team in order to catch up with advancing technology and changing customer preferences.