İş Geliştirme Yöneticisi / Business Development Manager
Aydemirler Proje İmalat Makine ve Bakım A.Ş.
Creating a fair, environment-friendly and urbanized society that supports social integration is one of the primary objectives of sustainable development. The structure of the targeted society and the dream of realistic urbanization are based on smart cities today. The greatest expectation of this dream will be shaped with what the innovative architecture will offer without a doubt.
A determined player in the transformation of construction and urban planning, the cement-concrete sector can literally offer environmental benefits. The sustainable and responsible supply which takes the industrial ecology as a basis and the main durability of the final product structured around a circular economy and based on the closeness of the resource are a rewarding feature in ecodesign.
Regarding this matter, the cement sector inclines to less carbon dioxide emission and energy efficiency and can manage the correct urbanization and responsible sector concept in a succe ssful manner. But how?
Processing Fuel and Raw Materials in Cement Manufacturing
Cement manufacturing is one of the most contaminating industries in the USA and comprises 5% or 6% of all carbon dioxide emissions. In general, each ton of cement leads to carbon dioxide gas emitted to the atmosphere. Cement manufacturing both consumes raw material and fuel in a large amount and is responsible for the considerable CO2 emissions. Nitrogen oxide, Sulfur oxide and carbon monoxide are also some of the other harmful emissions arising from the Portland cement manufacturing process.
Moreover, the quarry has a natural environmental effect for the production/transfer of the final product, limestone. Mining the founding minerals necessary for the cement may cause a great amount of subsidence and different kinds of pollution.
Health, safety, climate protection, biodiversity, water and sustainable construction solutions are the key matters during the process of cement manufacturing in this sense. These matters comprising the rings of this chain lay quite big burdens on a sectoral basis in terms of achieving the sustainable development target. In order to meet the needs of growing world population, the sector needs to produce smarter strategies in terms of raw material, energy and waste use, reuse and recycling methods.
For this reason, now it is inevitable that the cement, the inseparable part of the modern society, is also environmentally friendly.
Practices for the Improvement of the Cement Sector from Conventional Production to Green Cement
Considering the modernity of the green cement sector, it seems difficult to decide which of these new cement production methods will be successful. Although its environmental benefit is higher than Portland cement, production cost and the material integrity of this product are discussed as in the renewable energy.
We still do not have sufficient data to understand the future of the potential environmental issues with these new production methods. However, the green cement industry is regarded as an important factor that will be followed in the next years. Nevertheless, there are applications in order to reduce the results/environmental harms of the product today. Some of them appear as energy efficiency or recycling concept in our country. However, it is possible to see new generation technologies all around t he world.
• Calera in California uses the carbon dioxide emission produced by the plants in order to manufacture cement by means of chemical reactions with salty water.
• Australian Calix uses extremely heated steam to produce cement and the carbon dioxide emissions as the outcome of this process can be captured as the “Index Reactor”.
Some Practices in Turkey
Waste Heat Recovery-WHR