Çimsa General Manager Nevra Özhatay said, “The secret of our success as Çimsa is our pioneering and innovative practices that we have achieved through our corporate principles, responsible management understanding and sustainability. As we always say, our greatest responsibility for sustainable Çimsa is to create positive value in social, economic and environmental dimension.”
Çimsa, one of Turkey’s leading producers of cement and building materials, launched its Sustainability Report of the year 2015. Çimsa, aiming to integrate sustainability approach through innovative products and services into the decision making, implementation and business processes of both the teams and the stakeholders, has been publishing the Sustainability Report since 2010. The 2015 Sustainability Report was prepared in compliance with the “core” criteria of the Global Reporting Initiative G4 Reporting Guidelines and included studies on environmental, economic and social activities that took place in 2015.
Çimsa continues to contribute to the society while publishing the 2015 Sustainability Report.
Achieving success with recycling projects implemented in administrative offices and plants, Çimsa collaborated with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF Turkey), one of the world’s largest non-governmental organizations, working to establish a future where humanity will live in harmony with nature, in the distribution of the 2015 Sustainability Report. The report was distributed with external memories placed inside the frames obtained from WWF Turkey, resulting in great savings on paper use. With each distributed report, a donation was made to WWF Turkey.
Çimsa General Manager Nevra Özhatay said, “Our main goal is to produce value for our stakeholders with a respectful, environmentally compatible and profitable business model. Therefore, social, environmental and economic performance expectations as well as financial performance are important in the decision processes of our investments, applications, product and service development activities.”
Çimsa aims to touch its stakeholders and to contribute to the society in every aspect. Çimsa Sustainability Committee, which continues its activities under the leadership of Çimsa General Manager Nevra Özhatay, follows the relevant performance indicators at every stage of operations and makes this data a part of sustainability management.
Stressing that success in 2015 in the field of sustainability will be enhanced by future work, Özhatay emphasized that the basic motivation behind the success of Çimsa is the power taken from stakeholders.
Highlights from the Çimsa Sustainability Report 2015
In 2015, Çimsa;
• A total of 12 million USD investment has been made in the fields of sustainability, environment and occupational health and safety.
• 4,45 million tonnes of gray cement, 1,03 million tonnes of white cement, 0,71 million tonnes of clinker and 2,4 million m3 of ready-mixed concrete were sold and net sales revenue increased by 7% compared to 2014 and reached to 1,17 billion TRY.
• An environmental investment of 12.4 million TRY was implemented to increase the environmental performance.
• Exports during the period increased by 42% compared to the previous year and reached to 321.93 million TRY.
• Became the first and only Turkish company to participate in the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) under the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBSCD).
• During the period of 2014-2015, 10 new graduates were trained as Cement Engineer in the Process Improvement Engineering Development Program held as a total of 4,760 hours.
• A total of 66,038 hours of training were given; 23,053 hours to white collar workers and 42,985 hours to blue collar workers.
• A total of 495 hours of training were held during the reporting period with the participation of 990 employees to raise awareness of the employees’ human rights.
• Çimsa supports women employment and women in the management positions, with a 37 % female employee ratio among top managers and the first female general manager in the Turkish and European cement sector.
• Afyon and Niğde plants were awarded due to their successful performance from 2007 to the present day in the Cement Industry Occupational Health and Safety Performance Awards, which were traditionally held by the Cement Industry Employers’ Union (ÇEİS).
• Packages released from Çimsa plants to the market were recovered by 48% in 2015.
• In the 2nd kiln of Eskişehir Çimsa Plant, 30.6% of the thermal energy was produced by combustion of 47,600 tonnes of waste which equals to 18.2 of football fields by volume.
• The dining hall built in Çimsa Eskişehir Plant was certified with the Leeds Platinum Standard as the result of the inspection conducted by the American Green Building Council.
• The amount of electric energy recovered from waste heat recovery in Çimsa Mersin Plant increased by 3.3% compared to 2014 and reached to 173.035 GJ which also resulted in 22,680 tonnes of CO2 of GHG reduction.
• Çimsa Niğde Plant conducted the Solar Power Project in order to save energy from hot water production and reduce GHG emissions during the rotary kiln maintenance in 2015. With this project 90 tonnes of fuel oil were saved and 281 tonnes of CO2 greenhouse gas emission was reduced.
• A green space of 3,000 square meters was created in Çimsa Kayseri Plant and 8,000 saplings were tubed to be planted in 2016. In an event organized with the Learning Organization Kayseri Zollu Team, 400 saplings were planted together with Ağırnas Osman Yücel Elementary School students. In 2015, a total of 6,200 saplings were planted in the Sabancı Forest.
• Participated in the Global Compact Turkey Women’s Empowerment Working Group to support the private sector gender equality initiatives through inter-company learning processes and contribute to the nationwide dissemination of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs).
• Çimsa employees gave voluntary support to the “Steptember” social responsibility project organized by Turkey Spastic Children Foundation. In order to make a difference in the lives of the children and adults living with Cerebral Palsy and at the same time to raise awareness in the community, employees took 10,000 steps in a day in addition to various activities throughout the month of September. Campaigns were organized to collect donations for the project.
• As part of the event held during the Disability Week at the Mersin Metropolitan Congress Center, a total of 25 electric wheelchairs were given to those people with disabilities in collaboration between Mersin Metropolitan Municipality and Çimsa.