Fulya Melisa AYBARS KURT
Director of Corporate Governance and Corporate Relations / Member of Board
Aybars Makina
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is a fundamental element and top priority issue for Aybars Makina. The related national and international legislations, rules and principles are meticulously applied in our enterprise. In this sense our enterprise always carries out its activities in the belief that compliance to OHS rules is top priority and necessity to protect our personnel and all our stakeholders from occupational accidents and prevent any misconduct that can give rise to accidents. The main goal of Aybars Makina is a safe and productive mode of operation providing service with quality. Our pride consists in the quality of the work we perform. Quality of work means the exact compliance of all our team to OHS rules and their usage of the working environment provided by the employer in a clean and safety manner. Our team provides the occupational health and safety hand in hand with their employer.
Aybars Makina’s OHS policy and the related target performance goals are based on this understanding and mindset. We are working hand in hand to put our policy into practice. The family of Aybars Makina considers the compliance to the OHS policy as an indispensable part of working environment and daily life. Our OHS committee with the participation of the responsible employees and a member from the Management Board regularly meets on monthly basis. A Joint Health and Safety Committee (HSC) and in-house doctor closely follow the health status of our team in an effort to minimise the risks of general and occupational diseases. We are creating systematic and effective management systems to protect the health of the personnel, create a healthy and safe work environment and eliminate the dangers taking all the necessary measures. We are defining the elements and risks that can lead to occupational accidents and diseases and analysing them. We have formed working groups consisting of Operator-Enforcer- Controller in order to eliminate probable dangers. We define the non-conformities in respect of the interaction of probability, intensity and frequency factors, accordingly plan the corrective- preventive activities and minimise the risks to an acceptable level. We perform accident preventing exercises in respect of the source, intensity and environmental impact of the danger. Periodic tests are performed in machines and equipment. Periodic bonding, measurements in respect of noise emission, air quality and thermal comfort are carried out regularly and without delay in the working environment. This approach is implemented and reported by our OHS responsibles in both our Aybars Headquarters as well as our worksites located all over the country and abroad.
OHS measures and practices not only increase the work power and productivity of our team, but also contribute to the competitive capacity of our enterprise. We are conscious of the fact that improving the professional knowledge of our team through training programmes, increasing their morale and motivation through social and cultural activities are of great importance in terms of productivity and health and safety at workplace and we carry out all our works in accordance with this mindset. We provide professional competency certificates for our personnel in order to provide a sustainable working capacity. In this context, we encourage and support our stakeholders creating an environment which makes possible a cooperative learning, implementing and growth. We handle the concept of OHS with active participation of our personnel. With the principle that the OHS concept will develop with the participation of employees, we regularly monitor the performance of the work and follow it with a chain responsibility. The goal of providing sustainable improved conditions in terms of OHS is the joint responsibility of the Aybars Makina Family. The support our Management Board provides in these works is another factor which motivates us.