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Institutions that make learning and development both productive and attractive by contributing to the shaping of the future make a difference. At this point, we come across the concept of talent management.
Talent management is a continuous process that includes discovering and retaining high-quality employees that organizations need to achieve their goals by implementing their business strategies, developing their skills and constantly motivating them to improve their performance.
This process is closely related to how human resources are organized. It is a comprehensive process that includes how employees are selected, how they are recruited, how they contribute to training processes, how to motivate and create loyalty and how to manage dismissal procedures professionally.
The talent management strategy should align with the goals of the organization and clearly define what kind of talent it needs. Strategies created by considering what will be the needs and expectations of the employees in the future will increase the competitiveness and brand awareness of the organization. The fact that talent management, which enables the employment of the best promising people, is unique to the organization will make a significant contribution to the proper management of the process.
There is widespread consensus that talent management is very effective in finding talent and creating employee engagement and improving overall performance. Achieving talent quickly, creating a positive employee experience and creating a strategic HR team are the basic components of talent management. And when these three come together, a strong talent management will be achieved in the institution.
Why Investing in Talent Management Gains Importance?
Most companies with human resources departments think they are performing talent management. In fact, talent management is a process that rarely happens naturally in companies. Many of HR’s initiatives are only about recruiting. The lack of a regular system in this area negatively affects the employee experience, especially in companies with a high recruitment circulation.
The main purpose of talent management, which covers most of the responsibilities of HR, is to create a motivated workforce that can work in the institution in the long term, and has a bond of trust and love with the institution. Talent management processes help maximize employee value. At the same time, it becomes important for organizations as it includes talent acquisition and recruitment, learning and development, organizational values and vision, performance management, career path development, candidate pooling and succession planning.
A talent management strategy in line with the culture and goals of the organization will contribute to developing existing employees, reaching the best talent in new recruitment, and creating loyalty and positive employee experience.
“Successful organizations like Apple and Google, known for a strong corporate culture and ideology, attract a workforce that doesn’t just work for pay. Employees share the same beliefs and motivations and therefore invest more than themselves to achieve great results and contribute to overall business success.” (Talent Management, Chandler and Macleod)
Investments in talent management benefit organizations at several points. Well, together let’s take a look at what these are.
• Helps businesses improve performance
• Creates a strong competitive field
• Promotes innovation
• Helps build productive and motivated teams
• Decreases turnover
• Contributes to the creation of a strong employer brand
• Motivates others to grow, too
Steps in Talent Management
Determining the talent management steps that contribute to a strong brand perception with a strategy will increase the effectiveness of this process. For this reason, it is important to give these people the key responsibilities in the operation of the program with the support of management at all levels and to convince them.
The first step in this process is to determine what skills and abilities are needed in people for the organization. If necessary, work can be started by redefining the job descriptions. With the performance evaluation system to be established, evaluations are made to reveal and motivate the potential of the existing workforce. According to the results, trainings can be given and coaching support can be obtained. Apart from these, strategies can be developed to attract the best people with high potential and promise to the institution. The potentials for the future are evaluated using the talent management model you have established with your HR experts or external consultancy. Talents that make a difference are gathered in a pool. Having a system where performance evaluations are made with a classification allows you to see if the employees can manage additional responsibilities by classifying them according to their contributions, and the fair distribution of rights such as training, development and promotion. It helps employees prepare for promotion. In this process, a strong communication will be established between the company and the employee, and the employees’ belief in the system will be strengthened with the feedback they receive. In the last step, the talent management system will be evaluated, and in the analysis made in line with all the results obtained, gains will be revealed on the basis of both the company and the employee. The benefits of a good talent management strategy will be much more than what you lose while looking for it.