Cement Industry Employers’ Union (ÇEİS), which represents 95 percent of the Turkish cement sector with 33 member companies and 64 facilities connected to these companies, announced its goal as “Zero work accident”
The Turkish cement sector, aiming to be a leader and exemplary in occupational health and safety, has accelerated the investments and activities that it has continuously carried out in order to reach the goal of “zero work accident” for the sector by making an effort even beyond the legal requirements. Underlining that they are extremely sensitive about occupational health and safety in the sector, ÇEİS Secretary General Dr. H. Serdar ŞARDAN said that, “For us the most important thing is people. We look at all the occupational health and safety activities that we carry out with the same view. In the last 10 years we have invested approximately 145 million TL in occupational health and safety activities. As only ÇEİS our investments in the last 10 years has reached to 6 million TL.”