Kıymet Sağlık EROZ

One of the ways to move forward in the face of these challenges is through education. Training is important because it is a good opportunity for employees to renew their knowledge, be more effective in the workplace and improve their job skills. The return on investment of the time and costs allocated for employee trainings will be great as long as the trainings are consistent and continuous.

It is seen that organizations that invest in their employees by giving importance to training can keep up with the change and even gain significant competitive advantages by leading the change. Because education should no longer be handled only at the micro level as the education of individuals, but should be adopted as an inclusive learning approach by evaluating the organization as a whole.

If we think that corporate success comes from the synergy created by employees, we see that employee training and development programs have a great place in the success of many businesses around the world. These training programs not only offer people opportunities to develop their skills. They also provide employers with opportunities to increase employee productivity and improve company culture by exposing employees to training.

In order to survive, every institution must transform into learning and changing organizations. As management scientist Peter Drucker stated, the information used by employees in industrial societies lags behind the rapidly developing information age in about three years. The only way to prevent this is for employees to update their information quickly and effectively. Because the “Society of the Future” is the information society. The ease of dissemination of information will provide an opportunity for organizations and individuals with information to develop and grow in a competitive environment.

Strengthening business performance with approaches such as interactive trainings, coaching and mentoring supported by games that raise awareness and develop employees’ knowledge, skills and abilities requires a continuous effort. The fact that the companies that have started and continue this process include trainings with a transparent, measurable, listening, appreciation and reward system that encourages learning in the wrong steps taken, will grow the organizations to the point of being unique and only.

What are the benefits of training for employers and employees?
In trainings for behavioral competency development, when organizations carry out these programs in a devoted and consistent manner, they gain many benefits for their employees with the institution. It will be inevitable for organizations to develop and grow in line with their policies, thanks to the benefit created by employees who are knowledgeable, motivated, equipped with the necessary equipment and have the opportunity to update their knowledge.

The main benefits of training can be listed as follows:
• The knowledge and skills developed through the trainings increase the productivity of the employees and provide high performance.
• The trainings given increase employee loyalty by creating an atmosphere in the organization that encourages each employee to feel valued and satisfied.
• Employees of the institution who pass the training programs will feel like a part of a supportive work environment where they are appreciated, raise their morale and show more self-confident behavior in their work.
• While resistance to change and development decreases, a corporate culture open to knowledge and innovation is created.
• An environment of trust in which communication increases within the organization is formed.
• Accidents, equipment damage and overconsumption are prevented and internal waste is reduced.
• Exposing employees to regular training ensures standardization of work processes among staff.
• It can significantly reduce the need for excessive supervision in the workplace.
• Supports future internal career opportunities and promotion process.
• Helps employees recognize and embrace the organization’s ethical principles, values, policies, vision and mission.
• Companies with an organized training system help employees learn in a consistent and systematic way, not by trial and error.
• When employees receive consistent training, they improve their skills on the job and work more professionally and productively. Customers will feel the impact of this enhanced service and improve their view of the organization.

Which trainings are most needed by employers?
Although these training topics, apart from technical trainings, vary according to the operation and dynamics of each company, there are some trainings that we call indispensable and that will actually be useful in many areas of life and increase performance by making life easier. It is not possible to talk about the long-term success of a knowledge-based education that does not involve the participant. Interactive trainings supported by real-life stories and games will enable the participants to find a piece of themselves and reveal their feelings, and will provide motivation for change, development and action with a high awareness.

The training topics we recommend for organizations are as follows:
1. Communication Skills and Self Awareness
2. Emotional Resilience
3. Creating Intrinsic Motivation
4. Stress and Anger Management
5. Problem Solving and Decision Making Techniques
6. Giving Feedback
7. Presentation Techniques and Body Language
8. Crisis and Conflict Management
9. Managing Time Effectively, Not Postponing
10. Leadership and Coaching Techniques
11. Effective Sales Techniques
12. Creating Customer Satisfaction

So, where should institutions start and what should they do for their training needs?
Training needs analysis is a planned process to be followed in order to reveal the difference between the current situation and the desired situation. This process is generally under the responsibility of the human resources department and is carried out with training companies if required. Needs are determined as a result of the needs that arise in performance evaluations and career planning, surveys to be made, employee demands, manager demands, data obtained with human resources forecasts or analyzes made with support from training companies.

Employees who attend trainings where they cannot find a part of themselves and their needs are not really questioned, which do not create feelings or include examples of their own experiences, stay there only out of obligation and physically. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a needs analysis study that supports the strategies created by the top management, in which the employee has a say and the opinions of the managers are also taken. The data that will emerge will be the source of the annual training plan prepared throughout the company, reflecting the needs of the position, department and department.

You can contact us for your training needs.

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