We established our sustainability priorities and strategy on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact), signed by Limak Group of Companies in 2014, and Limak Cement Group is also a concurrent stakeholder.
As part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – an output of multi-stakeholder negotiations – defined by United Nations General Assembly as “a development that meets today’s need without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”, we, as Limak Cement Group, have been striving for integrating the 17 Goals, defined to overcome the most urgent social, economic and environmental challenges in the period up to 2030 to our entire processes.
We believe in that sustainable economic development is only possible if an inclusive approach is adopted, individual has environmental and social awareness, and in a healthy planet. We handle our sustainability policy so that it will represent the whole of all of our employees, business partners and stakeholders as well as basic understandings prevalent in all geographies we operate in, and we model our business understanding as
• Sustainable Development Oriented Business Understanding
• Human Development Oriented Business Understanding
• Welfare Dissemination Oriented Business Understanding
• Planet Oriented Business Understanding
• Fair and Participative Business Understanding
also in harmony with the global goals of today.
To this end, we have been maintaining business processes based upon the protection of human health, promotion of human development, and equal opportunities, with gender-balanced development goals through our Inclusive Development, Social Human, and Healthy Planet committees. We believe in that sustainability can be maintained by ensuring development of social structures, corporate loyalty and retention of the employees, and individuals should have perceived the social structure they live together with all elements, and consider their existence together with the health of the social structure.
We embrace, as our basic value, carrying out all our operations in manner respectful to both environment and human, and develop the ways to identify in advance and eliminate all potential adverse aspects of the environmental relations.
In 2020, all Group plants are qualified to receive “Zero Waste Certificate” by establishing Zero Waste Management System as a result of the “Zero Waste Project” of Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. As part of the combat with climate change efforts, Group established the waste feeding system in Thrace Plant, disseminated the Zero Waste awareness and alternative raw material use across Group Plants, targeting at minimizing ecological footprints.
As part of the SDG 3 Healthy Individuals, Limak Cement Mozambique donated 50 beds to 250-bed field hospital built in Maputo province due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Limak Cement Ankara Branch, from building materials industry, is elected to Pre-Assessment Support Project of Turkish Circular Economy Platform, launched in collaboration between EBRD and Sustainable Development Society (SDS), we are a member. Project aims at raising awareness on the circular economy, and identifying the priority opportunity areas relating to circular economy, notably looking at the material exchanges (industrial symbiosis) by considering the processes, inputs-outputs and value chains of the companies.
Developed as a result of our R&D project for evaluation of ability of the cement producers to use fly-ash, bottom ash and synthetic plaster generated from thermal power plants as a byproduct through an effective quality & product management processes, Cement with Coal Bottom Ash –CCBA is the first of its kind which is ETA (European Technical Assessment)-certified by EOTA (European Organisation For Technical Assessment).
With the awareness of genderbalanced development, we have been striving for increasing the number of women among our managerial positions, making efforts to assure women participate in decision-making processes in full and effectively, and to provide women equal opportunities in decision-making mechanisms and to become leaders at any levels.
Limak Çimento Sustainability Goals
Limak Group of Companies – Common Goals